the 9 lumen Core Principles: Vision, Verve, Wit, Cheer, Humility, Benevolence, Nimbleness, Probity and Wiles.
2 years, 3 months, 4 days
Macrodata Refinement: Department chief
3 weeks, 3 days
Macrodata Refinement: New Hire
2 years, 1 week, 5 days
Macrodata Refinement: Head Refiner
3 years, 2 weeks, 5 days
Macrodata Refinement: Most Senior Refiner
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Mark is promoted to lead a team who've had their memories surgically divided between their work and personal lives.
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The team train new hire Helly on macrodata refinement. Mark takes a day off to meet with a mysterious former colleague.
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Mark takes the team on a field trip, but Helly continues to rebel. A deteriorating Petey struggles to tell Mark about Lumon's misdeeds.
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Irving finds an intriguing book at work. Helly aggressively pursues a meeting with her Outie. Mark attends a funeral with Ms. Selvig.
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Irving and Dylan confront Burt about his lies. Mark and Helly discover a strange new department.
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Mark and the team encounter new security measures from Cobel.
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The team prepares a plan. Mark attends Devon and Ricken's party.