the 9 lumen Core Principles: Vision, Verve, Wit, Cheer, Humility, Benevolence, Nimbleness, Probity and Wiles.

the 9 lumen Core Principles: Vision, Verve, Wit, Cheer, Humility, Benevolence, Nimbleness, Probity and Wiles.

Mark S.

2 years, 3 months, 4 days

  • Currently working on showing kind eyes
  • Broke protocol yesterday
  • Resides in Kirk, PA

Time at Lumen

Macrodata Refinement: Department chief

EmploYEE # 4502

helly R.

3 weeks, 3 days

  • Forth tallest person in Department
  • Allergic to almonds
  • Weak Enamel

Time at Lumen

Macrodata Refinement: New Hire

EmploYEE # 08-988

Dylan G.

2 years, 1 week, 5 days

  • Most perks acquired in a 12 month period
  • Allergic to ground beef
  • Enjoys art of the caricature variety

Time at Lumen

Macrodata Refinement: Head Refiner

EmploYEE # 08-974

irving B.

3 years, 2 weeks, 5 days

  • Fond of movies
  • Knows all 9 Core Lumen Principles
  • Also goes by Irv

Time at Lumen

Macrodata Refinement: Most Senior Refiner

EmploYEE # 08-454

"It just means you’re a party guy, disco king."

I can sense the questions made
you feel afraid or disoriented.

Well, the good news is, you're
at an orientation.

"I'm your best friend...

you're my very
good friend"

Watch on Apple TV+

Mark is promoted to lead a team who've had their memories surgically divided between their work and personal lives.

good news about hell

episode 1



episode 2

Watch on Apple TV+

The team train new hire Helly on macrodata refinement. Mark takes a day off to meet with a mysterious former colleague.

half loop



episode 3

Watch on Apple TV+

Mark takes the team on a field trip, but Helly continues to rebel. A deteriorating Petey struggles to tell Mark about Lumon's misdeeds.

in perpetuity



episode 4

Watch on Apple TV+

Irving finds an intriguing book at work. Helly aggressively pursues a meeting with her Outie. Mark attends a funeral with Ms. Selvig.

the you you are



episode 5

Watch on Apple TV+

Irving and Dylan confront Burt about his lies. Mark and Helly discover a strange new department.



the grim barbarity of optics and design

episode 6

Watch on Apple TV+

The team angers Cobel by forming an alliance.

hide and seek



episode 7

Watch on Apple TV+

Mark and the team encounter new security measures from Cobel.

defiant jazz



episode 8

Watch on Apple TV+

The team prepares a plan. Mark attends Devon and Ricken's party.

what's for dinner?



episode 9

Watch on Apple TV+

The team discovers troubling revelations.

the way we are



Relive season 1